The yard needs mowing…

FathersDay_Somewheretexas2I asked him, “Dad, are you afraid of dying?” Without hesitation, he looked into my eyes as some sort of reassurance and in his calming voice he replied, “No, but I want to live.” And he smiled. I believed him and I actually understood. In his faith there was no doubt that he believed there was more than this life, this earth, this world. He was here to share that message and upon his last breath he would do so and he did. He may not have been perfect, but his love for his family and others was. He gave, he received, he lived. I could never fit the shoes he walked in, but he gave me the tools to walk in my own and make my own footprints. My dad, well, he taught me how to live. Not just as survival, but that I should share. I miss him, terribly at times, and yes, I know I will see him again, one day. But for now, I have two teenage boys and a yard that needs mowing, “dad, any advice here?” “…I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free. For His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me.” Happy Father’s Day dad.