San Antonio, Texas
Our experience, spinning a non-traditional tourist visit. We love San Antonio and it never fails to suprise us with new things. Stepping out of the box, if you will, here’s this trips adventure. Surprising what is tucked away within these neighborhoods. Enjoy!
Folklores Coffee House
San Antonio, Texas

You go places, visit, explore, absorb. People ask sometimes how we find these places , where do we look. Reading reviews, checking out bucket lists and suggestions, honestly, most of the times we just let the places talk to us. What their story is, who’s behind the stories, where the next stories will come from. The neighborhood, the local flare the culture. This coffee house just spoke to me on name alone, I looked them up and and was simply drawn to them and needed to make the run. @folklores_coffee_house (San Antonio, Tx.) it was everything I’d expected, which really, was an experience of “something new”. The coffee was great, the people we observed going in and out spoke to the connection of community, artwork framed the moment. It was just cool and I’m glad we went. I ordered the Siouxsie if just for the roasted marshmallows and Mexican chocolate. Go find your Folklores Coffee House, your story and taste the love…heck, if you can, go find this one! Buy a cup, leave a cup, you’ll get it when you go! #somewheretexas #texas #texasroads #texascoffee #coffee #aboyslife #life #travel #folklores #sanantoniotexas

@mitierracafesa Okay, so, as we try to experience new things, food, people, you know, some things we just have to make sure to get to. This panaderia is more than just some great Mexican “pan dulce”, it’s my first visit with my uncle Paul, my Tia and cousins. It’s a visit with my mom and dad. It’s all the visits after that in which I share with other family, friends, wife, children in trying to convey and share the excitement I carry in the memories of my heart. The flavor of my past. The colors of love. Mi Tierra, mi vida. #somewheretexas #sanantoniotx #panaderia #pandulce #bakery #aboyslife #texas #mexican #life

Nowhere Bookshop
If you’re going to do the travel, relax and experience thing, make a point to experience it all! We found this bookstore “shop” on this trip. Great atmosphere with the smell of books (if you’re a reader and lover of books, you’ll get the phrase.) Not the largest, but its contents will expand your boundaries just as far as any. Great staff, good book reviews to help you choose the next read, or entertaining within themselves. And yes, there’s a coffee shop inside if you’re looking for the full experience or just some good coffee. Oh yeah, we bought some books! I had just read an article on a specific author’s last book which had just been published. Bingo! Serendipitous it was. #somewheretexas #texastravel @sanantoniothingstodo #aboyslife #life #books #bookstore #texas

El Mercado
(Market Square)
On most weekends, you will find something going on at the downtown Mercado or Market Square. The smell of the food is rich and very hypnotizing. Once you taste it, you’ll find this a natural calling on each visit to San Antonio. The music, the people, just an exciting energy to experience. Not just food, but local artsist selling impressive art and crafts, musicians, clothing, jewelry, you get the picture. Again, just a solid must stop!

Sometimes, well, it is all about the food!
Tripas, Gorditas, Tacos, Aguas Frescas, Pan Dulce, Raspas, Churros...Oh my!Toro Kitchen & Bar
San Antonio, Texas

The place, Toro Kitchen & Bar. Very cool spot, great atmosphere, great food, drink and this evening, Flamenco! A tapas style restaurant, nice selection to choose from and each one pretty much a winner. Paella as well!! It’s hard to capture the flavor of the food and environment in a photo. Definitely highly recommended and I’m sure it won’t disappoint. Plus, the perfect company takes this visit to a different level!
#somewheretexas #aboyslife #spanishfood #carajillo #carajillo43 #tasteoftexas #food #texas #foodie #life

Tapas, deliciously sinful! Need to go back over and over to try them all! Cheeses, meats, well crafted drinks and desserts! My favorite, the Carajillo!!!! A great finish to a sweet evening! Go and taste the difference!
Flaminco Dancers, perfect entertainment by a very talented group and individuals. A must see!
Phil Hardberger Park
Just a few shots of a perfect morning walk in a big city. The Phil Hardberger Park is a must if you have some time in your schedule, even if just to wind down. The Land Bridge is amazing, to me at least. From the road, you see a bridge, normal. What one may not see is the fact that’s it’s a land bridge connecting two parks across the highway. I’ve missed this place out of the hundreds of times I’ve come to San Antonio, but I’ll make it back for sure on another trip. Maybe take me a sack lunch and make a day out of it!? Just maybe. #somewheretexas #texasparks #texas #texasroads #beyondfood #aboyslife #life #chucktaylors
( Information from: )
The Robert L.B. Tobin Land Bridge connects both sides of Phil Hardberger Park, which was once divided by Wurzbach Parkway. Spanning 150 feet in width at the top and expanding to 165 feet at its base, this bridge is designed with ample space to accommodate both humans and animals, ensuring a secure crossing.
This Land Bridge harmoniously extends the park’s innate beauty, providing a natural continuation of its landscape. For those who traverse it, a unique sensation akin to ascending a hill unfolds, all the while shielded from the hustle and bustle of traffic below.

I’ll be the first to remind any and all, I’m not a food critic, I just know what I like and willing to venture. I do love food and seek out the flavors of my culture, my childhood and things that bring back those moments that echo in my heart. Here’s to new moments, new flavors, and new faces.
Heros Ramen X Sushi, really good food. Ask me or tell me about authenticity, I’ve never been to Japan, not a sushi expert, ramen, well, I know how to open the bag and boil some water. But, I can tell you this, the food made me smile. I dig it and will write about it! Visit, eat and enjoy!
Julian’s Italian Pizzeria & Kitchen, now, no, I’ve never been to Italy either, but damn if I haven’t been to some pizzerias. This place was cool and everything one would expect. Great atmosphere, good people, awesome services and your food comes out fresh and hot or as it should be. The mozzerella sticks, “forget about it!” They were freakin’ delicious and has now set the bar for my next pizzeria excursion. This was a last minute stop and it did not disappoint. Delicious!