AlamoSpringsCafe_002A good mid-day ride stop, well, just because that’s when I stopped. Too early for some good bat watching, but just in time for something cold and something warm. Alamo Springs Cafe. How we got there, I’m not still not quite sure being lost in the road and the Texas that embraced the black top. Small roads, big country. Before I knew it, one good sharp turn and we were there. Riding up on the gravel lot were bikes, cars and a limo, we had arrived. They say we were in luck as the seat wait can be hours long, and yes, people wait for a seat, ours was just a few clean tables away. The kitchen itself I fell in love with. I just dig the magic holes of these small diners/cafes. The atmosphere, the people, the goat cheese and garlic, the burgers. For me mostly, a new experience. Honor system, first timers here, just go to the wall of coolers and keep the caps, the tab is in your hands. Appetizer arrives and the couple next to us comments on how good it looked and smelled. I see an opportunity for conversation. “it sure does, would y’all like to try?” They politely refuse but contact ignited. They themselves made the drive from around Del Rio, a few hours away, for the burgers. Goat farmer. I had originally asked them where they came from. I wish I remember the names, but the man replied, “Del Rio, well, actually (insert name here) Creek and she’s from (insert another name here) Creek.” They laughed and asked us of our origins. As I was about to tell them and explain where, I was interrupted and as my friend says, “Home Creek!” We laugh. The food was great, but again, the atmosphere had all beat. Make this trip, you won’t be disappointed. If you’re hungry enough, try their Six Beef Patty Cheeseburger and get your name on the infamous Glutten Wall of Fame…and the free T-Shirt! The roads are long, the stops are short, the experiences are memories. Ride the roads, drive the roads, eat up life.

(look up Alamo Springs, Tx. cool stuff my people)

#somewheretexas #texasroads #alamospringscafe #alamosprings#sixmeatburger