boots&cottonThe question was, “What would you like to be remembered for?” Assuming this means I was gone and had flown the coop of life, what would it be? This had me thinking. Should be an easy question, right? Maybe it could be something like I was a good father, husband, son, brother…friend. Maybe that I was trustworthy, kind or helpful. A Godly man (that in itself leaves too much room for interpretation). Heck, maybe all of those, why not. Maybe that I made people smile and laugh. Could it be that I was compassionate and caring. Would it be my cooking or my smoked brisket. Food, he loved food. Perhaps my photography and perspective on life. I sometimes like to think I’m a deep thinker, yeah, maybe I talked enough that I fooled someone along the way and in chance made some sense! lol! Maybe it was how I stumbled through my guitar playing and sang a song or two? Oh wait, my personality, after all, personality goes a long ways. I don’t know. Is that bad? I want to know, maybe. If I could pin point it, it could just be that I am simple and simply enjoy life. What would it be they ask. I’d like to be remembered as a man. A simple man with good attributes and a man with faults. I’d like to be known for the places I walked and stood, where I failed and stood back up. Where I walked and sometimes walked almost to the point of flight, but came back down. Nothing more than a man who accepted who he was and received openly and without judgment. This by no means says that it is who I am, but who I strive to be daily, hourly, every second. I am far from perfect, but I have not accepted that. If my shoe’s would tell my story of where I walked, dark storms, sun shiny days, fertile grounds, maybe that would be enough? That’s it, I think I have it! “He wore out a lot of shoes…and he never threw them away.” The story, it never ends.